This Lesbian Ship is Intense

Interview with Sarah Catherine Hook: Juliette is a Fuckboi

Episode Summary

Sarah Catherine Hook is warm, genuine, funny, thoughtful and the absolute sweetest. We love her even more after this interview and we think you will too. Listen to her tell us everything we want to know about First Kill, Juliette, and Calliette.

Episode Transcription

Interview with Sarah Catherine Hook: Juliette is a Fuckboi

Kaity: [00:00:00] Hey, everyone. Welcome to this Lesbian Ship is Intense. I'm Kaity 

V: and I'm V 

Kaity: and we are here today to talk about our favorite show First Kill, uh, with a very special guest. Wouldn't you say? 

V: Yeah, we decided that, uh, it's been one month since First Kill was released and we wanted to do something a little different and we thought, why not just invite someone onto the show with us? You might have heard of her. 

Kaity: You know, it's just like someone who loves the show as much as us. And we thought it'd be a good opportunity to let her share that love with everyone. Do you know who this First Kill super fan is? V. Have you talked to her before? 

V: Um, not verbally [laughter] um, yeah, so here we have with us, Sarah Catherine.

Sarah Catherine: Hi. Hello everyone. [00:01:00]

V: So good to have you with us. 

Kaity: We're excited for this!

Sarah Catherine: As am I are you kidding? This is in-, so, so insanely incredible. I'm like honored to be here 

Kaity: So how's your past month been anything crazy happen to you? 

Sarah Catherine: Well, I had this like cool Netflix show come out and my life has changed. [laughter] not really no. It's um, it's been a really fun new life for me the past month. Um, I've just been receiving a lot of love, which is great. Not, no hate, which is nice. So , um, I'd say we're doing pretty well over here. 

Kaity: Yeah, we wanna keep it firmly planted and the love train side of things 

Sarah Catherine: In the love train. Thank you. I agree me too. 

Kaity: That's that's where we're at. Did you have any idea that there was like a coordinated global lesbian network to support this show before it dropped? 

Sarah Catherine: I, you know, I had an idea that there might be, I was like, the lesbians are either gonna be like all [00:02:00] for this or so against it, like, and it is really, there's gonna be no in between. 

V: I am glad that you knew that because it really is one or the other.

Sarah Catherine: I- Truly one or the other. I, I, that I, that much, I definitely knew. And so I'm, I'm really thrilled that it's been on the positive side. so [laughter]

V: So I'm sure that you hear a lot from people independently, um, but we have been told, but, about a lot of your listeners or, um, followers of the show. And so top 10, 82 countries, listeners, or viewers from like Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, the States, just like everywhere.

Sarah Catherine: Insane. 

V: It's so amazing. 

Sarah Catherine: It's really like, I, I don't, I can't even, I can't even really put that. Place that in my brain of like the whole, like that many countries, that many people, that many eyes, that many ears, like it's, it's not normal. I don't uh, so I mean, yeah, I'm still kind of, I feel like I'm just still processing that every day, every now and [00:03:00] then I forget about it and then I'm like reminded and I'm like, wait, that's so strange.

Like there have been some people who've, uh, like recognized me now, which I'm really not used to that at all. I mean, it's not really that often it's just been a couple times and it was, I will never forget it. Like I, it was the cutest moment of my life. And, um, yeah, I don't know. It's just strange people knowing who you are.

Kaity: especially globally. Like, so before, you know, streaming, a lot of queer shows were consumed globally, still because of access and like sent illegally, you know, so it's pretty cool to see something happen. That's accessible to everyone across the world.

Sarah Catherine: That's so true. That's um, I, I, I mean, that was something that I did think about as well, like filming this, and I feel like we were reminded of that frequently while filming. And it's just like, [00:04:00] it's really special to be a part of something that huge and like original. I mean, it's not, it's like one of the firsts that's able to do that. And it's like being able to say that you're a part of that is really amazing. 

Kaity: Yeah. And so I have to take this opportunity to ask you something I've always wanted to ask.

Sarah Catherine: Yes, please. 

Kaity: What's it like

Sarah Catherine: Im Nervous

Kaity: What's it like to have thousands of lesbians in love with you overnight? 

Sarah Catherine: [laughter] Um, you know, that's another one. I mean, it's weird because I would like to see them in person. I'm like, until I see you, it's not real. Like I'm like for all I know, it's just like a bot on Instagram, you know?

Kaity: Oh, it's real.

Sarah Catherine: I'll see it when I believe it, I mean, I'll believe it when I see it. I'll see. I'll believe it when I see it. um, no, no, it's, it's deeply flattering. It's really sweet [laughter] that's all, I'll [00:05:00] say 

Kaity: You're, you're officially in the made it category because I, I saw like, I, I saw a post dedicated to your neck the other day, so you're like-

Sarah Catherine: Oh, yeah, no, my neck and my hands I've noticed are very popular, like more so than anything. 

V: I have not seen this

Sarah Catherine: Oh yeah. No, my hands are famous now, probably more famous than like me, like myself. 

V: That's what I was just thinking, I was like, oh my God, there's just gonna be like the dedication to the hands, um

Sarah Catherine: It's usually feet, but hands, my hands have been like super popular.

V: Well. . . 

Kaity: There's a reason for that let me tell you. 

V: Yeah

Sarah Catherine: [Laughter]

V: This is a lesbian fanbase 

Sarah Catherine: I need to shut up right now. Jesus. 

V: What I wanted to ask you was, um, no shade, but who gave you the recommendations to watch the L word and Blue is the Warmest Color, because I'm so sorry. 

Sarah Catherine: No, I'm honestly not, sorry. I like. I personally, I [00:06:00] loved Blue is the Warmest Color. Um, I, 

Kaity: You weren't traumatized?!

Sarah Catherine: I was, I mean listen, listen, listen. I was pretty traumatized. My, uh, so Imani and I both were told to watch it. Imani and I were both like talking about it afterwards. She was like, I'm feeling really scared to do this show now. LIke, she, she, like, when we were told to watch Blue is the Warmest Color. Like she, she, she was like, is that what we should expect to, like, in doing this? But I think it's just because it was such a prolific film, I guess, you know, it's like, it's like, you, you must, this is a must watch. Like whether you hate it or not, you know, like it's so I think that's what it was. And then the L word is just like what? Isn't that just like the classic lesbian show, 

V: Yes, that, that is classic lesbian, for life like you have to watch it, as- I feel like you, have to watch it 

Sarah Catherine: Look I needed to be exposed to it either way. 

V: yes. Yes.

Kaity: You needed to, you needed to know the references. 

Sarah Catherine: Yes. Yes, exactly. Exactly. It was fun. Fun for me to watch 

Kaity: It [00:07:00] is, it's got its good moments. We're not L Word haters, but we, we were laughing because we were like Blue is the Warmest Color's gonna traumatize them

Sarah Catherine: No, we were very traumatized

Kaity: am I gonna have to wear a fucking prosthetic vagina on this set right now? Like that's a lot. 

Sarah Catherine: Yeah, no. Like, I mean the conversations that Imani and I had. That's, that's they aren't normal conversations that people should or would have, like, based off of our watching of Blue is the Warmest Color, it was, yes, very triggering, very- and then like, of course the, the show, I mean, there's absolutely no nudity. Like we're all very safe. Like it's fine. Like there's none of that. It was like, I, I remember us being like, why the fuck did we have to go through that? 

V: Yeah, 

Kaity: exactly 

V: We, we have other recommendations. 

Sarah Catherine: Yeah please give, gimme all of them. I'm I will happily accept some tamer ones. 

V: Well, I was gonna say for me the biggest one would be DEBS [00:08:00] because that we've found a couple scenes that like totally made us think of DEBS from First Kill 

Sarah Catherine: Cool. Cool. I would- I don't think I know- I don't think I've heard of DEBS. What is DEBS?

Kaity: It's a very like, uh, campy action-esque movie 

Sarah Catherine: Cute. 

Kaity: It's very fun.

Sarah Catherine: That sounds, that sounds more First Kill speed. 

Kaity: Like starcrossed lovers, yeah, it's really down that avenue.

Sarah Catherine: Great. I will say it's funny because like First Kill has turned- like I think people think of it as campy, which it certainly is. I think like before we started filming, I don't think anyone thought it was gonna be that way.

Like when, when you do a TV show, you really don't know like how it's going to turn out. Like even when you're filming it on the day, I don't know. I've talked about this a lot with, um, filmmakers and producers and stuff like, you really don't know, like even on the day you'll be filming something and it looks great and then you put it together and it turns out to be something completely different than [00:09:00] you imagined.

So it's really strange. I'm, it's kind of like unsettling for me as the actor, like, like not knowing how things are going to actually be. It's like a, it's like a, a guessing game or something you never really know. Uh, so, but, um, I kind of love that it, it turned out campy-er, because it's like way more fun that way.

V: yes. 

Kaity: Yeah. If it's more into like a cult classic type of vibe

Sarah Catherine: exactly. 

Kaity: And that honestly cultivates like the most fun, I feel like in terms of fandoms. 

Sarah Catherine: Yeah. And it's like vampires, you know, I feel like that's how it should be. It, it doesn't- Things that take itself too seriously, we don't need too much of that anymore. It's like we got enough seriousness going on in the world, uh, we need a break. . 

Kaity: So a lot of like teen media, they talk about like sexualizing teenagers and this show before it even dropped, really got the like male gaze conversation going 

Sarah Catherine: right. 

Kaity: And stuff like [00:10:00] that, but this show actually feels very intentional about the sexuality of -

Sarah Catherine: Absolutely 

Kaity: - teen girls. So what was that experience like and how you crafted that?

Sarah Catherine: Well, I mean, I would say so much of that. Like, I, we give so much credit to, you know, our, our, the creator of the show, Victoria Schwab, who is, um, a queer woman. Our showrunner is a black female. We have, or our producers, em, Emma Roberts and Karah Preiss

like we just had so many women on set and our director Jet (Wilkinson) who's also queer. Like, I mean, we had this whole team of women who were delegating and it was like, there were no men in charge of our sex scenes. So it's, I mean, male gaze was never even mentioned. Like that was just not part of the conversation at all, ever.

It's so funny to me that people like, that's just not where my brain [00:11:00] even goes. Like I was never like, oh yeah, the male gaze, like people, like guys are gonna love this. Like what the fuck? No [laughter] absolutely not. This is a lesbian show, like,

V: I was really curious about like your intentionality with it because, um, I actually went back and watched a bunch of first kisses of like characters of different shows, like in teenage, like teenage, um, high school years.

And what really stood out to me was that the women were so often the passive recipient of a male aggressor's kiss. Like the amount of times where the guy goes in, hands in and the girls just like arms back, like take me . 

Sarah Catherine: Yeah. Like so submissive. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, totally. Wait, I'll let you finish what you were saying.

V: Oh, no, that was, I mean, essentially, I don't know. I, I do understand that, of course, there are a lot of parts that come into play to making a scene happen. So it's not just you, but I was wondering if there were any thoughts that you personally had about like, yeah. Like this is me [00:12:00] as, portraying a teenage girl, and guess what? Teenage girls like sex just as much as teenage boys. And so yes-

Sarah Catherine: A hundred percent.

V: -both of us here will be intentional in our touching and like pursuing the other, um, beyond just like obviously what everyone else was trying to bring to the scene. 

Sarah Catherine: Yeah. I guess my, my first thought with that is, well, absolutely girls crave sex just as much as guys do. Um, but with how Imani and I talked about this, we also talked about this a lot with our director, Jet. Like there was a lot of conversation about, you know, who is, who was the top, who's, who's the bottom like, lalalala, and we just came to the conclusion that it just it's, it doesn't, there doesn't have to be one way or the other.

I mean, it's interchangeable and that's like a healthy, balanced relationship, you know? Like, I mean, that's, that's similar with straight couples, too. Um, any couple, I feel like it doesn't always have to [00:13:00] be like one is always being submissive. Um, so that's, that, that was very intentional for us. Like, I really wanted both of us, Imani and I both wanted to make sure that it wasn't like, oh, because Calliope is the strong one, she's always gonna be like the aggressor. You know, like it's that was that- we wanted to steer away from that, especially, I mean, like, I really wanted that because I didn't want Juliette to always come off as quote, unquote, weak or shy, or like whatever we wanna label her as. 

Like, I mean, I personally think I like, forgive me if this is so bad to say, but I like, I think Juliette's a fuck boy. Like I like I'm legit. I'm legit was like, this girl is the Romeo of Romeo and Juliet in this situation, she is falling for girls left and right. She can't help herself. Like this is, this is just who she is. There's no way this girl is like, Like, yeah, like, sure, she, she's an [00:14:00] introvert. She doesn't wanna go out and party the way that Ben does all the time. Like she'd rather be at home, like drawing or reading a book. But like when it comes to other girls, like she is, I think she, like, we gotta give her more credit. Like she's, she's, she's kind of confident with it. Like she's just going after it 

V: Yes, Oh my god, yes. 

Kaity: You are preaching to the choir. We were like, No, this relationship wouldn't have even happened without Juliette

Sarah Catherine: I agree, exactly! Like she pursued. She persisted. She got what she wanted. She got her heart broken at the end, but a season two can fix that. [laughter] 

V: Oh my God. Her whole like, oh my God, I'm so shy and awkward. . . Come to the party with me. I'll be there, 

Sarah Catherine: I'm so shy. Like, Jesus, are you kidding? Girly like, you might be awkward, but you got game. Come on. [laughter]

V: Oh yeah, for sure. Oh my God. Two seconds in that pantry and she's like, lips are on you.

Sarah Catherine: Like she just went straight for the kiss. So I was like, damn. Okay. Like what? So yeah, [00:15:00] I she's fuck boy. That's all I can say. 

Kaity: Yeah, I like that you're the one starting that agenda. 

Sarah Catherine: Oh yeah. Oh, a hundred percent. Like I was not about to let Juliette be like this. Uh, just, just, I don't, I also don't believe like people are just one thing. That's something that I think that I really loved, like with being Juliette and also getting to be her for eight episodes. Like I actually really got to explore different sides of her, which is just like, what a gift. I, I loved it and that's just how, um, humans behave. Um, so yeah, that's. That's fun.

V: Yeah, absolutely. That is like one of the things that irritates me so much about certain characters is that they are so single faceted. 

Sarah Catherine: Yeah. 

V: They are just one trick pony. And it's just like the complexity of human beings. We are a culmination of all of our experiences, our environment, the people, everything. And I know I saw in another interview you had said you didn't want Juliette to be a stereotypical shy girl. And I think [00:16:00] that you nailed it. I think that she seems shy. 

Sarah Catherine: Oh that's so Nice, thank you

V: She's socially awkward, but she's got some fire in her. She's got some sass and audacity . 

Sarah Catherine: She's got fire. I mean, she's a vampire for crying out loud. I mean, she's gonna have some like innate like power and like rage, you know, I, I just it's um, yeah, I've wanted her to be like complex. Eactly what you're saying.

Kaity: And so that kind of lends into this thing that goes on through Juliette, through the whole show, right? So we see more of that fire also as she leans into her more vampiristic - 

Sarah Catherine: Yes, I love it.

Kaity: -lIke traits, right? So, you know, despite her romanticism of normalcy and humanity, the more she gets a taste of blood, the more she challenges that.

Sarah Catherine: Mm. 

Kaity: So how do you view that within her? Like, is it innate? Is it tied to her nature? Is there a, is it her family? Like how, [00:17:00] how did you portray that throughout the show?

Sarah Catherine: I, I, I felt that it was like her, uh, biology, like it was in her that she couldn't control. It's kind of like, when you're super hungry and, um, you like, you haven't eaten in hours and you just wanna like throw someone across the room.

You're so mad and angry and hangry. Like we've all been there. [Laughter] I kind of, that's kind of where I placed it. Like, you just, you just gotta feed, you just gotta drink someone's blood. Um, yeah, it was more of like a, a physical reaction than anything. And I mean, yeah, of course there were like, I think the fighting, it actually came from the pressure from her family.

Like, you know, when, when you're told to do something and like, you don't wanna do it, like it just because you told me to do it. And it's, it's almost like that. Like, let us not forget, she is a teenager and, and like going through puberty so hard and, and that's what she's going through. And, um, I think that's what, um, I think that's kind of what's going on [00:18:00] there.

Like, it's almost like rebellious, um, of her, like, I mean, obviously she doesn't believe that it's right. And like, is very true to her morals on why killing is bad and everything. But, um, I do think a lot of it, like she is very stubborn. 

V: Yeah. So I'm wondering if, Kaity, do you wanna ask the question about our whole prophecy theory or do you wanna jump into the whole like connection or like the paralleling of like coming out stuff?

Kaity: Let's talk about the prophecy first so this is what we wanna know.

Sarah Catherine: Okay.

Kaity: We want to know, like, what is, what do you think is going on between Cal and Juliette's connection? Because it lasts post-severing. So is there, is there something more going on in the universe? Are they just fated to be? Like, what is, what is your point of view?

Sarah Catherine: Um, you know, I wish I, I, I [00:19:00] wish I just like had the right answer. I don't think anyone actually has the right answer. 

V: There is no right answer. No, exactly . 

Sarah Catherine: Like part of me is like, this is so corny, but it kind of goes back to like true love and it doesn't even have to be like, they are destined to be with one another. I guess I have a, I have like me as Sarah Catherine has a, a personal, uh, beef with like true love, like cuz I think, we, we have like several true loves.

Um, like I, I think of this, you know, if, if she and Ben were to be connected, it was, it would be because, and like he was going through a severing or something. Like I would think that they'd still be connected because they are like, they just in, in life, like they are these kindred spirits and like their souls are connected for forever.

Um, so I wonder, I, I, that's kind of how I thought that it was with Calliope. Like it is. They just have this special bond, but then I'm also wondering too, [00:20:00] if Calliope being a monster hunter, that means she has, I don't wanna say powers, but something along those lines too, like I think that something has to be in their DNA too, like as monster hunters.

Um, and maybe like the yin and yang part of it is like, what keeps them together. I don't know. There could be so many different things. Um, but also not to mention the fact that Juliette is a legacy and maybe her powers are just like, they, they- like severing don't work through the powers that legacies have and like the severings have, they've never tried it because they've never, they haven't come across a legacy vampire in God knows how long.

So, um, it's really up, you know, for whatever anyone wants to think. There's so many, so many different, uh, explanations for it and, uh, cannot wait to find out what is true. [laughter]

Kaity: yeah. 

V: I love all of those because I think that when I first was watching, I was just like, [00:21:00] well, you know, they're in love. True love, you know, like that's what it is.

Sarah Catherine: Its true love

V: Of course we've been marathoning First Kill every day for the past month, so, um, I've watched enough now -

Sarah Catherine: You guys are gonna be the reason why season, like why we get a season two. I'm pretty sure . 

V: I will take it, please. Yes. Give me that award, give me that season 2

Kaity: We dont need credit 

Sarah Catherine: oh, yeah, no, you guys will be in, in like, in this, in the credit of, of season two, like and special thanks to This Lesbian Ship is Intense. 

Kaity: Just be like global lesbians everywhere 

Sarah Catherine: [laughter] Yes, I love it. 

V: So we've thought a lot more about like the potential like lineage and like prophecy and like unlocking things, unbeknownst to you. And so, I mean, obviously it could go a million ways. We don't know, but it's fun to theorize

Sarah Catherine: It is fun to theorize. It really is. And I can't wait to see which one, which one is correct. Or if none of them are correct and we just are still- 

V: Yeah, something totally different. 

Sarah Catherine: It'll be up to the creators. So we'll see, 

V: watch it be something simple. Like someone forgot like one step in the severing [00:22:00] process.

Sarah Catherine: Oh my God. I would literally- No. I'd throw something. I'd be like, this is so stupid. I hate no, no, no, it can't be that way. It has to be something- 

Kaity: Listen, the one thing they can't take away is the connection, because I'm telling you, fans will hold onto that until they're dying. You can have like five seasons of agony. But if you still have that, like the fans can- 

Sarah Catherine: The Connection

Kaity: -believe in anything. 

Sarah Catherine: That's right. That is right. Connection remains strong forever to the end of time. 

V: Absolutely. Um, one of the things that I wanted to talk about was that, so there are a lot of things that happened with Juliette, like in her vampirism, that like seem very much like a queer experience, like coming out things of that nature.

And we were talking earlier specifically about the scene where Juliette lashes out at Ben and was just like, oh yeah, you wanna talk about reality? Your reality is a closeted guy. Okay. Like screw you. Um, 

Sarah Catherine: That [00:23:00] was such a hard moment 

V: Well, um, I think like the question that Kaity had presented was like, where do you think this confrontation stems from emotionally for Juliette? You know, like she seems kinda surprised from her, for herself. 

Sarah Catherine: You know, when we did that, I always viewed that moment as, okay. Juliette is happy. Like she's, she's had her first kill. She feels really good in her body. She's with the girl that she likes. And her best friend is still giving her a hard time.

Like, I feel like Juliette is kind of, has always been, walked, walked all over by her friends, her, her, her family, like, and she's kind of finally like, no, fuck you. I, I'm happy! Be happy for me. Like, and so it's like, he, he approached her with LA LA LA, LA LA, and like, so she's gonna clock him and be like, no, actually this is- [00:24:00] you're, you're the one with the issue here.

Um, but I do think like the way that it came out, it was kind of like, Ooh, that was like a little bit of Elinor in her or her family. And it's, I think it kind of scared her. Like, I think she, she obviously felt horrible about it because she's, she's like, what did I just do? Why did- and I think that it was something, it was almost like, um, Like her, her blood lust, when, when she's feeling out of control now, that's, it's like that part of her personality that she was afraid of happening is happening now.

Like she is kind of turning into what she never wanted to be, which is like, you know, innately like evil, I guess, if you wanna say, or monstrous and, um, that's, I don't know. That's kind of where I that's, that's just where my head was during that scene and like reading it, I was like, oh shoot. This is, this is where we're headed right now [short laugh] so, yeah, [00:25:00]

Kaity: I thought it was really interesting too, because I think of that as a very typical portrayal of a teenage friendship as well. Like, so that's something like, after she's like, in this honeymoon phase, after having like a lot of big first happen for her -

Sarah Catherine: mm-hmm

Kaity: -to have her best friend like criticize her. I felt like that was a little bit of Juliette, like owning her own power in a way that got out of control a little bit. 

Sarah Catherine: Totally. Yeah. And I think you're you hit the nail on the head. I think it's totally right. I mean, I think we've all probably had moments of like that with our friends, especially in high school and like when, when you're happy and your best friend's not happy that you're happy and that's, that's exactly what happened.

I, yeah, it's, I'm glad that, you know, while it's sad to see Ben and Juliette bicker in such a way, but, um, I think it's important to have those real moments that kind of, uh, portray real life. Um, so yeah. Great, great, great question. [00:26:00]

V: And, and I think for me, like what really stood out, um, 'cause I think this is what we do when we watch television is we find ourselves in what we see and this specific scene really reminded me of when I first came out.

Um, and so, um, Juliette has just spent the night with, uh, Calliope they've had sex. Their relationship is like moving forward. She's feeling all of these feelings and it reminded me of when I first came out and I was really trying to dive into what that meant. And I was very hypersensitive about people's responses to the queer identity, um, and not just mine.

And I remember my cousin had posted something on Facebook bitching about these like two gay guys, um, at a restaurant. Where she was just like, why do you have to throw that in my face? And my children have to see this.

Sarah Catherine: Ugh

V: And I lashed out really poorly on social media, towards her. And like-

Sarah Catherine: I mean, rightfully so.

V: -rightfully so, a little maybe too intensely. 

Sarah Catherine: A little too Intense

V: And so was like, what that reminded me of, I was just like, [00:27:00] oh, Juliette's like so raw, you know, she's just so in, at those feelings right now, and as you're finally finding yourself, like you are very sensitive to people threatening that because you're finally feeling and owning yourself.

Sarah Catherine: Totally. I mean, and yeah, it's so true. And I think part of the reason why Ben is like not interested in, in, uh, entertaining whatever's going on with her is that maybe he's like jealous and is sad that he can't have that with the guy that he likes. And it's, probably feels a little bit unfair to him. But no, that makes a lot of sense.

Like she is raw and is, is I think you guys have done this really well as I've been listening to your podcast, you guys have made so many good comparisons, like parallels to, from like [00:28:00] certain parts of the show to coming out. And I'm just so glad that, I'm so glad this podcast exists. Like honestly, on behalf of my entire cast, like thank you so much.

This is it's. It really means a lot to us. And you guys are just so smart and entertaining and funny. And like, I, I it's been, it's been really awesome, like hearing your commentary and like seeing what you guys get from the show. Like even things that like, I didn't even notice. So I'm, I feel like I'm learning about the show listening to you guys. So it's just really awesome. So thank you guys so much. 

Kaity: Yeah. And I mean, it's like, this is, what's cool about talking about television that you love, because it just generates things you don't consider before because people have different perspectives in the world.

Sarah Catherine: Right.

Kaity: Like, it's really interesting to hear you talk more about that scene from Ben's perspective and how he's jealous, because, you know, I think [00:29:00] that's also real for teen relationships with your best friend, when you get your first girlfriend 

Sarah Catherine: Totally

Kaity: or your first boyfriend,

Sarah Catherine: Totally

Kaity: you know, and Cal found out that.

Sarah Catherine: So much jealousy

Kaity: Juliette was a vampire first, you know? 

Sarah Catherine: Yeah. So, yeah, I thought you were gonna say the moment where I know everyone's been pointing this out where, uh, Cal, like, she's, she like notices when, when Ben is like, what about when you kissed me and then, and then Juliette, you kissed me. She's like, excuse me. Kisses were exchanged here?

Uh, that was funny, but yeah, no, uh, I, yeah, it is it's God - that also broke my heart. Anytime like with Ben, I just really love Ben and Jonas and just those people, um, like anytime Ben was heartbroken or something, it just like broke me um, but yeah, no, I love the parallel. I think it's really smart. And I think that's, what's so cool and clever about this show too.

Like even though it's about vampires and monster hunters, it's [00:30:00] extremely relatable. So. 

V: That is like my favorite thing is to teach people and to understand through analogy because sometimes when we're in the middle of it, it's so hard to see it. But when you kind of make a comparison, it makes it a lot easier.

Sarah Catherine: Totally. 

V: And I feel like the show actually does like a lot of that, there's like so much you can read into 

Sarah Catherine: it's so true. I mean, with every, I mean, with both of the families, like the family dynamics, the friendship dynamics, um, it's just, it's all over the place. Like it's, it's really cool. Um, yeah, I'm thankful for that.

Kaity: This is your first leading role. You and Imani are top of the call sheet. So that's like a lot of responsibility, both in your performance, like in the demands of you and like on the show as the leading characters, like, did you and Imani talk about that as like a team? How did you interact with that dynamic?

Sarah Catherine: Yeah. Um, it was, I mean, truly like. [00:31:00] From the beginning, we just established that we were gonna have each other's backs. And like, I will say, like she, and I even had our moments of like, I can't talk to you right now. You know, like of course, like it's gonna be really challenging, like, being an actor is the strangest phenomenon.

Like I'm telling you it doesn't, it's not normal. Like the, the, the life that you lead, like as you're on set and like the jealousy that gets involved and like the it's like the competitive nature of it. Like, it is really, really difficult. But I will say like, from what I hear from like a lot of other shows, like, what is so cool about ours is like a lot of the times, like most of us just needed a good night's sleep and come back and we're like, Hey, we're doing okay now [laughter]

like, it's all good. But, um, as far as like Imani and I leading together, like, I, it was really cool the way that they, that the, the producers and the creators of the show handled our [00:32:00] position as both equally being number one. Like I was one J and she was one C and the way too, even in the credits, like, I know this is so minor and mundane, 

Kaity: It's flipped

Sarah Catherine: but like, but yeah, it's flipped.

And it, I think that is so important because like, no, I don't think either of us should always be like the first name, because like, that is a big deal to some people, you know, like, no, like we are, we are equal in this show. Um, so I, I, I just, I just, I think we really just tried to maintain that the whole time, like of like, just, just knowing that we are co-leads and that's just how it is.

Like, I mean, it wasn't, I don't know. It wasn't that. It wasn't that like- Honestly, for me, I was thankful. Cause I was like, I don't wanna be the one carrying the show by myself here. So I was very thankful that I had another one with me. uh, thank God I had Imani like, I thank her every day, [00:33:00]

I like fucking love Imani and I'm like, she's a boss. And she like really helped me through so much in this show. Like, like it's amazing for how like, I mean I'm 27 and when I, I mean, I was 25 when I booked it and she was 21, but like in our first FaceTime meeting, I was like, this girl is so impressive. I just have a lot of respect for her. And it was also, let me tell you, it was not easy doing the show.

Like it was really, really hard and we all had our moments of like, Just, we were at the very bottom and like, it was, we really had to be there for one another and also like, our crew was so amazing. Like I wanna shout out my crew more. Like there are just so many of them . Um, but, but like everyone just had each other's backs and it, it, it was a really special group [00:34:00] of people.

Ultimately, like this show has taught me so much about being like a part of a team. And when I first watch- This is probably the first time that I've really been a part of something where I haven't been like all, all obsessed with like my, myself and my own performance. Like I really, I don't know. I get, maybe it's something about the show or like the cast itself, like the fact that it's an ensemble group.

Like, I, I just felt so proud of everyone and like everyone fit their role so beautifully and I just constantly wanted to sing their praises. 

Kaity: This show is set in the south, the, when we're talking about especially gay rights. So the south is pretty demonized, but there's a, a wealth of people here from different backgrounds that need to be supported where they are, you know, and not just transplanted to New York or [00:35:00] LA, right? So right now there's a lot of legislation against, you know, trans kids, the don't say gay bills in school. And this show like their sexualities don't matter in terms of their characterization. And that feels like a deserved escape for kids. Um, these days that you can't see anywhere else. So, you know, what does that mean to you representing that on television right now?

Sarah Catherine: I think it is really important. The fact that I am from Alabama, like, and I'm in this show. Like I hope that says something. I mean, I'm just, I'm super grateful that this show does normalize it. I mean, I know I've said that a billion times, like I think that's just the number one thing about this show is, is the fact that it, it normalizes queerness and, um, it's celebrated and like never questioned. I [00:36:00] think it's, I think it's really, really crucial in this time to have a show like this. And I just hope that it's resonating. 

Kaity: You know, it's really powerful. And I hate to get stuck in that sometimes because we wanna live in the joy more in our podcast. But you know, when I was in high school, like you did not say gay because you were scared and there was one out gay kid, right? And so for that to go back to what high school is for kids, when I'm like, holy fuck, are you serious? We're going there again. You know, It feels- 

Sarah Catherine: It's baffling. It's it's weird. The like the going backwards. Sorry. I'll let you finish. It's just like it doesn't, it's, I can't even imagine it. 

Kaity: Yeah. And I think that's why this show feels important to me right now. Like I was telling V I had a flashback. I remember watching, um, Elizabeth Mitchell in ER, when she played a gay [00:37:00] character as a child 

Sarah Catherine: Wow

Kaity: and being so captivated and not knowing why. 

Sarah Catherine: Wow.

Kaity: Until I became an adult because my mom was watching. ER, and that's all I got to see and I didn't know other gay people, you know? So it's like, I think you being from Alabama and being in this show is gonna make a difference to a lot of people. 

Sarah Catherine: I really hope so. I really, really hope so. I, I like it makes me like, I, I mean, I could be, I could just, I could be someone from New York and it's like, It, it kind of like, it's hard in New York to get messages across because like everyone agrees with you. It's like, we're all screaming at each other, but we all agree with one another, you know? Whereas like, I think it's, it is more impactful. Like, I, I really hope that, um, it's, it's making a difference, at least in, in my little community that I grew up in. 

V: Yeah. I would expect, so, I mean like anyone who ever, like, not even for my town, cause I'm so small, like it's a small town, but like the area, like if anyone in the area did [00:38:00] anything, like we all were just like, oh, what is this person doing? And so-

Sarah Catherine: yeah people freak out and they're like gonna support and they're gonna watch. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, 

V: exactly. So I, I do think that people are gonna pay attention. 

Kaity: Oh yeah. Someone from my high school went on the bachelor and it was quite a scene. 

Sarah Catherine: Shut Up. Did the whole town watch it?

Kaity: Yes we had whole group chat. Yes there's a-

Sarah Catherine: I mean, how could you not, how could I'm I'm pretty positive all of Montgomery has watched First Kill and they better. If they haven't, we're not friends anymore [laughter] we're done. 

V: Thats hilarious. Well, I wanted to say about the, um, the like coming out bit or the, the queer story. So obviously these are two lesbians. I think they both identify as lesbians. Right? Do they? I mean, they haven't explicitly stated.

Sarah Catherine: Yeah. I, I mean, I, I, I'm pretty sure, like, we, we decided for them 

V: mm-hmm 

Sarah Catherine: that they're lesbians 

V: okay [laughter] so like, we have a [00:39:00] lot of, I mean, when you think about like queer media? Like in the past, it was just a lot of villainization of queer characters. 

Sarah Catherine: mmm

V: Then it was a lot of the coming out stories. Then sometimes it's like super normalized, but like the queer characters were never present. And so like, I love that both Calliope and Juliette are at the forefront being lesbians is not just a part of them in the sense it's a part of them that's invisible. Um, but it's a part of them that is a part of them in the way that every other part of their being is without making it their only quality.

Sarah Catherine: Yeah. Yeah.

V: And so there was this one scene that I really liked was when the two of them were kind of chatting and getting to, to talk to each other a little bit more and it wasn't an explicit, tell me you're coming out story, but essentially that's what they did is they shared. And, you know, Calliope says, I think I was queer from the womb. And Juliette says, I was telling, um, Elinor, when she came back from Emory, which kind of indicates that she didn't realize that till, she was a little bit older and again, no hyper focus, no [00:40:00] like after school special, like it was just two lesbians having a story, like talking about their lives. 

Sarah Catherine: Yeah, it's cool because that's usually like one of the first scenes in, in like lesbian films and television. Like it's like, because it usually is like the coming out story, but we don't even, that's in episode five. Like we don't even have that conversation until more than halfway through the show. So its pretty...

V: episode One was a make out and a stake. 

Sarah Catherine: Episode one, we were like going at it in the pantry. Like what, what kind of-? Like it's just amazing. Um, yeah, so that's cool. I, I'm glad that that one like, spoke to you because it, it is such a touching scene too. And like the casual or not, it wasn't like too casual to where it's like, oh, we're just gonna like throw this way. It's like an, it's a, it's a really charming moment that they have together of like, oh yeah. Well of [00:41:00] course this is my story. This is your story. Oh, cute. It's it's it's really adorable. 

Kaity: Well, that episode is like their most overtly romantic pisode,

Sarah Catherine: Oh Yeah

Kaity: I think, 

Sarah Catherine: I think so too

Kaity: so, what about that? Did you talk about when you were shooting that episode? Like, because it's kind of a, a quick tone shift in their dynamic

Sarah Catherine: Totally

Kaity: and progressing their relationship along. And honestly, it's, I know you don't get scripts in advance, but that episode is kind of essential to get to where they need to be by the end of the show again, right? To like lay that foundation of, we actually like each other now it's not just a crush, like across the room. Like we like you as my girlfriend. So how did you kind of approach that progression in them? 

Sarah Catherine: Well, let me think about this one, because that, that day, like that episode takes place, most of it is, or for Juliette and Calliope, I [00:42:00] should say, um, it's on, in the, in the theater, on the stage, the Romeo and Juliet set. And we filmed every single one of the, this is a, this is kind of a big deal too, because like it's a lot to cover in one day, but we did all of those theater scenes in one day.

So it was like, we really experienced this, this whole, whole theater day in, in that like huge chunk of time. It was, um, it was, it was kind of amazing that we were able to do that. I think it was one of those days and scenes where we just wanted to wanted it to be pure and fun. We were like, oh, this is kind of a nice break for us as the actors.

Like we just get to do really like, like cute acting together and the scene where we're on the bed and we're talking, we're like talking about who's your best friend. And then sharing the coming out story. That was one of the audition scenes. Um, [00:43:00] so it's, it was always fun getting to do the stuff that we did in the audition room, like months before it's like, oh, we know this, but now we're here. It's kind of like, wow, this is so weird. We finally made it to this point. 

Kaity: I wanna say, like, that's kind of interesting to think about as an actor, I guess, because that's what you had to formulate this character on and now you kind of have a different version than who you auditioned with. I'm sure, 

Sarah Catherine: Totally. I mean, I had to, I did that scene with a couple of girls too. Um, like in chemistry reads, so it's not like imani was the only Calliope that I did it with, you know, like there were a couple Calliopes, uh, 

V: watching me- I'm like getting jealous here. I'm like, no, no, no Imani's the only Calliope,


Sarah Catherine: The only Calliope. I know, I shouldn't say that other girls auditioning for Calliope uh, yeah, no, please excuse my foul language right there. um, um, but yeah, all I will say about that, that [00:44:00] that time was like, it was just nice to not be like running in the woods or, uh, like, like it was not four o'clock in the morning making my First Kill. It was, you know, it wasn't a night shoot. We were like, oh, this is a normal day at work.

Where we're at the theater. And like getting to be just two teenage girls. And like, that was just, it was just a fun day. And we had like extras there. So it was like a lot of people to hang out with. And, um, Yeah, it was a, it was a more, more tame day on, on this show. I will say. 

Kaity: Yeah. I mean, I instantly thought though, like this show had to be pretty demanding for you and Imani, because, so we take, you know, copious notes when we do this podcast and usually it's like, oh, finally, we're getting to the straight scenes. We can like, take a break and like-

Sarah Catherine: yeah, 

Kaity: -unwind. We like, I'm like, oh my God. I'm like, I can't tune out because you guys are on screen again. [00:45:00] Um, like, we're not the side relationship. We're the main relationship. And that, you know, like episode's a lot 

Sarah Catherine: Thats of work for you guys. 

Kaity: yeah, we're exhasuted

Sarah Catherine: That's so funny. Good God, 

Kaity: you and Imani, like for episodes four and five are in almost every scene together.

Sarah Catherine: Yeah. Yeah. We were, we, and it was fun. Those were like, those were the times too where like if I was dying or something like Imani, like totally had my back. Like it was, it was just nights like- okay guys, oh my God, I have to talk about this because this was so bad. But like the night of our First Kill, our First Kill, my First Kill, excuse me.

The night of my First Kill, I was so tired, but like, not even like, um, like sleepy, like I hadn't slept in I don't even want to like, try to think of how long it was. And I was walking [00:46:00] around, set with a bag of ice on my head, trying to keep myself awake. And then like the, having, like, we had to change the choreo for first for, for my First Kill.

And I was like, I don't like, I don't think I can do this. Not really. I was, I really wasn't sure I was gonna make it. Like, my director kept looking at me like, did someone hurt you? Like, are you okay? I was like, no, I just haven't slept days. Like I don't know what to do, but, but no, I I've now learned that ice bag on top of head is the way to go.

If I'm, um, dying. It's like my brain has broken. Um, but then it ended up being great and I like woke up. I pepped up the adrenaline kicked in and I like, I made my First Kill and we did the, like the blood part just one time, like they were like, that's it we're done. I was like, whoa, okay alright and I was like, no, I kinda wanna do it again though like, just for fun. Um, but yeah, those, those times were, those times were pretty rough, but, uh, I'm glad with how it turned out, honestly, if like, if it had, if my first kill had turned out [00:47:00] shit like that, would've been so horrible. Like the show was literally called First Kill . 

V: I mean, clearly you prepared so well for this,

Sarah Catherine: Oh God

V: that like you only needed the one 

Sarah Catherine: oh yeah. Oh yeah, no, me and all my like method acting blood sucking on the, on the weekends. Oh yeah, no, I was, I, uh, I'm a I'm a pro . 

V: Well, um, I I'm really frustrated with a lot of, um, articles saying that Calliope and Juliette, like don't have like a real foundation of a relationship. I'm just like, what the fuck are you talking about? And so I think that these later episodes show them like building, like Kaity said, beyond that physical attraction. And it really gets us to a place where I think the second half of the season, I'm so invested and emotional about what happens with them, that when we get to the very end, like I am so stressed about like where we're going in a potential season two. And we all know that you wanna [00:48:00] dark Jules. Like we know that. Um, so my question is 

Sarah Catherine: Guilty [laughter]

V: what would a dark Jules era mean for her relationships with her family? Of course, with Cal, you know, this show is about them being star-crossed lovers. So how might they find their way back to each other? 

Sarah Catherine: You know, great, great question. Um, I, I think I really want her to like team up with Elinor. Um, I, I mean, like, I know I haven't said that yet, but like eventually I want there to be like a sister training event. Like, it's almost like they fight a little bit in the beginning and then maybe there's this like moment where they're where they're like, well, why don't we just like, why don't you just train me?

Like, teach me, like I I'm ready or something like, I mean, I'm, I'm not the writer here, but so something along those [00:49:00] lines, like I just, I love the Elinor/Juliette dynamic and really don't want that relationship to end. Like, obviously I don't want Cal and Juliette to end, which it most certainly will not, but I do fear about Elinor and Juliette [laughter]

Uh, but I do think like with, with Cal and Juliettete, I think it will be- I think it, it, it, there should be a struggle and there should, like, that should be the season. Like it, it should be like, everyone's just like coming for each other. Like, I really want there to be more action. Um, I really, really want Juliette to be doing more fighting and I want her to be like [laughter] I really want her to have her fuck boy phase part two

And like, just kinda like, kind of be a little, little, uh, wild, uh, and like go, go crazy with like the drinking people. And like, [00:50:00] I, I just really want her to have that moment. And then I want Cal to- even Ben, like, I want Ben to be involved in this too. Like I want both of them to help her come back to who she really is um, by the end. And like- 

Kaity: that is what I'm saying, because I feel like Cal and Ben need a little team up where they both are like, this is the Juliette that I love. Like, let's get her to be like, you know, that. 

Sarah Catherine: Yeah. Yeah, totally. That's that's I think that that feels like an appropriate direction to head in, you know? It feels like there's gotta, like, based off of the ending of episode eight, are you kidding? We have to have like a continuation of the chaos. Like we can't just go back to happy, happy, normal life. I know, you know, like it has to be drama. I want it to be, I want there to be more camp as well. Like I want it to be campy-er. Um, I think it, it, like when it's funny, it's really [00:51:00] funny. I mean like the moment when, when Sebastian eats Davina, like, are you kidding me? The most unhinged moment of the show? 

V: yes

Kaity: Listen. 

Sarah Catherine: So fucking funny, like it has to happen again, 

Kaity: Juliette! Juliette doesn't even know that her dad- 

Sarah Catherine: Juliette doesn't even know! Juliette doesn't know that her dad ate her grandmother and Juliette also, like hasn't told them that she has her first kill. I'm like, hello everyone. You guys were like, like attacking her for not having her first kill. And now you're just like, whatever about it. Like, I don't hello what's the fuck is going on here?!

V: Oh God, 

Kaity: perfect moment to revisit this in season two, with some comedy, 

Sarah Catherine: we need a reaction. We need like, well, wait, I'll just call grandma. And then Elinor's like,

didn't you hear? Like what?

V: Elinor would be sassy.

Sarah Catherine: Oh you don't know? [laughter] Yeah, she'd be-. Yeah, of course, you don't know. Uh, yeah. Something, something really like sassy back at her. Yeah. No, there needs to be those moments they have to [00:52:00] happen. 

Kaity: And I think that honestly, the door stays open forever with Elinor and Juliette, because I feel like Elinor is still going to respect the power play a little bit. Like that part of Elinor, I think will be like, wow, Juliette, you actually did it you know? 

Sarah Catherine: Yeah. Yeah. I, I think so. I, I've, I hope so. I hope there's this, like that exchange between the two of them. And I want, I do want Elinor to like, see, I think she does see the potential in Juliette and knows that like, bitch, you're a vampire. Like you, you have amazing powers. Like I do think that yes, while, uh, Elinor- Her intentions, all aren't always good, I, I, and you guys have pointed this out too. Like I do think that Elinor really cares for her family. Like more than any of the other characters, in my [00:53:00] opinion, I could be wrong, but I think, I mean, maybe it's not so much for the care the, uh, the, the family members themselves, but like the, the idea of like the Atwood lineage, you know, like being a part of this, like really powerful matriarchy, like she so desperately wants to carry on, um, I think, I think she just has a lot of heart for it and wants Juliette- 

V: I think you're right. I think that Elinor has a lot of complex feelings. Um, and I think that Elinor loves Juliette, but I think also maybe is a little threatened by her, honestly. And I think that- 

Sarah Catherine: I hope so

V: Yeah and I think maybe like with a season two team up, like might actually be her ability to kind of be like the influence and still kind of have that position of power over Juliette. So I could totally see them teaming up and like Juliette being her, um, apprentice as she goes into this dark phase. And there are plenty of lesbians who would fully support a fuck boy, Juliette season 

Sarah Catherine: oh, thank God [laughter][00:54:00]

V: we, we got a good, I mean, 'cause you, normally we have to wait a really long time. Like we have to wait four seasons before we even get a kiss, so we have all this angst and tension

Sarah Catherine: that's crazy. 

V: Yeah. And unfortunately, like we don't have a lot of trust in showrunners and so we don't know if that angst and tension over the four seasons is going to actually lead to something. But with this show starting out there, I feel really comfortable with having a really angsty season two, because we started out strong. I feel okay. Give me the angst I'm ready for it. I believe that we will come back. . 

Sarah Catherine: Yeah, I think I, I mean, yeah, I feel like it'd be just way more fun if it starts with angst, like it has has to, like, we can't, I also don't want it to be like, oh, three years later. Like, I don't want there to be like a ton of time that has passed.

Like we kind of need to just jump right back to where we left off. In my humble opinion. Um, but oh shoot, I was actually gonna say something. Oh, there was like, I like what you said about Elinor being threatened by Juliette because also in my imagination, this is probably never going to happen, but I'm like [00:55:00] maybe Juliette, like we discover that she's like the chosen one or something like within this like legacy, you know what I mean? Like that she has something even more special than like the other legacies. Like I want, I want something and then Juliette's like, no, no, I don't need more. Like, I just wanted to be a normal girl. Like, yeah. Like don't give like this belongs to Elinor, but the, you know, I just want there to be something like, even more special about her. 

I also, I don't know if you guys were planning on talking about this at all. But like, I know that everyone is aware of Elinor having these special powers of like being able to, uh, manipulate, uh, people and whatnot. Um, from what we were told in the beginning of the show, like with, with every- I don't know if this is still the case, but this is what we were told with every first, like whoever your first kill is as the vampire, you receive some sort of power, like influenced by the person that you kill. So [00:56:00] when I killed Clayton Cook, I was like, I wonder what kind of like power Juliette will have, like from kill- like from like influenced by Clayton.

Like that was, that was what we were told. So like really everyone, every vampire should have something special. So I don't know. I don't know why, like, and maybe it's the twin thing. Like they should have similar power- I don't, I don't, I don't, there's still a lot that is unknown. Yeah. Um, but I definitely want more powers.

V: That's a really exciting tibit.

Kaity: Yeah Juliette 

Sarah Catherine: I could be so wrong. Please forgive me if that's wrong. But like that's what we were told. 

Kaity: Juliette hasn't been bitten yet though. So it could, it leaves the door open to be anything. So that's, what's exciting, right? Like, is that what we've kind of decided that the bite from the snake, 

V: But is it the emerald malkia that gives it or is it just the kill?

Sarah Catherine: I think it was, I really thought it was just the kill. [00:57:00] Like you, you making the kill. I don't know if like she has to necessarily be bitten by something or like from the Emerald Malkia or something. It probably, honestly it probably would have to do with the Emerald Malkia, which is why she has the ceremony. Um, so. Yeah. Maybe, maybe, I don't know. This is all she still has to have- I guess she has to have her ceremony though. Like she has to -

Kaity: right

Sarah Catherine: like somehow get bitten by the thing 

V: is like Sebastian gonna bite her. 

Sarah Catherine: Oh my God! Yeah. Is the snake in Sebastian? Is he gonna go have to bite every single legacy that then gets their first kill? Like, are you now the Emerald Malkia? What is going on?

V: Sebastian's just gonna get carried around? 

Kaity: We dont know! See the potential

Sarah Catherine: So unhinged

Kaity: The potential is unlimited here. 

Sarah Catherine: It is 

Kaity: We can do anything. 

Sarah Catherine: There's a lot.

Kaity: And it could be like, you could think it could be like a trait from Clayton Cook or it could be like, what-

Sarah Catherine: right. 

Kaity: Uh, what her first kill meant like [00:58:00] some meaning behind her action.

Sarah Catherine: Yeah. Like a protective thing?

Kaity: Yeah. 

Sarah Catherine: Oh, I like that. 

V: We get symbolic with this. 

Sarah Catherine: You guys need to be in the writing room. Writer's room. 

Kaity: We'll be consultants for free. I'm telling you, we are, we are dedicated to this show being successful. 

Sarah Catherine: I appreciate it. 

Kaity: Okay. So my, one of my favorite scenes with Cal and Juliette is in episode six at the end of the episode, when they're like, kind of cuddled together and like kind of

Sarah Catherine: in bed,

Kaity: determining yeah, in bed. And, and it's like, it's, uh, like a, a very, like, it's us against the world moment where they like really have like refuge in each other-

Sarah Catherine: Yeah

Kaity: -after experiencing quite a lot individually actually in that episode. So is there anything about that scene that you could talk to us about? That's like fun or cool or, 

Sarah Catherine: oh, um, I just remember from filming that scene Imani and I were like, [00:59:00] well, we'll just be here in the bed, like, they didn't want us to, I mean, they would like ask if we wanted to go like sit in our chairs.

We were like, no, just bring us our phones. Like we'll just chill in the bed. Like, like, I don't know. We, it was, it, we're always just very playful with one another. And like, Imani was always. I can't even, I, I can't even like pretend to like, to, to be her of like how she is on set, but like, I just am always laughing with her and that it, it was, it was, it was just a fun, a fun, little, a fun little scene for us to do.

I don't know. It was so quick. Like, I'm glad that you liked it so much. I, sometimes we really don't have a lot of time on our scenes. So, um, I almost like don't even remember filming that one truly, 'cause it was so fast. Like I just remember us being in bed and laughing and then having to get our shit together when, when the cameras roll, like it's like we're, we're like crying, laughing at whatever one of us [01:00:00] said. And then we get serious and it's like, oh, like, but what do we do? Like everyone wants to kill us. You know, it's so dramatic. and then, and then, you know, we like smooch a little bit and then like cut and then we break character and we start like crying, laughing again. I don't know. It's like, there's like a, there's a lot of like laughing in between takes. So I think that's kind of fun for you guys to know 

V: oh yeah, 

Kaity: Yeah. And I think that's why a lot of fans feel attached because it feels nice to support a show that you feel like the people are doing actually love doing and love the show that they're doing. Like, that feels really fun. 

Sarah Catherine: I was actually talking about this with Gracie recently. Like we're we were so lucky, like to have a cast and a crew that was like, that loved each other so much. It was really very sweet [giggle]. 

Kaity: I, it feels like this show was very intentional in who they were choosing to be a part of it behind the scenes and in front of the camera. 

Sarah Catherine: Yeah.

Kaity: So it's nice that it [01:01:00] translates into a positive work environment when you do that.

Sarah Catherine: Yeah. Oh my God. So true.

V: Look at that. 

Sarah Catherine: So true

V: Who would've thunk it? 

Sarah Catherine: Who'd have thought, like what? I mean? Yeah. Hire the people who like, who you're representing like crazy . 

V: Oh God. So I guess our last question is, um, something a little silly. Are you a supporter of the musical episode or no, because there are plenty of people who are interested. 

Sarah Catherine: What a funny question. Well, the thing is, if there's a musical question, I mean, if there's a musical episode, I will have no choice, but to do the musical episode, it really doesn't matter if I'm supportive of it or not. Um, I think it would be, yeah. I mean, if we're going for more camp, why the hell not like, if we've got like Imani, like rapping and then like me and like me and MK, like harmonizing with each other. And like, I mean, I think it would be absolutely [01:02:00] insane, but it could be, um, like - Didn't make Buffy have a musical episode out of nowhere? Like for no reason. 

Kaity: Buffy's is considered one of the best special music episodes of television. 

Sarah Catherine: That is so funny. I mean, yeah, look, it happens. I think. Why not? Like what if, if the fans want it, the fans want it and we should just give it to them [laughter]

Kaity: thank you. 

V: That's very kind of you. 

Sarah Catherine: There's so many musical people. We have so many musical people in the show, like, and like, not even just musical, but like we've got like dancers. So like people, like, if you can't sing just dance, you know . Simple as that. Oh god. 

V: So I probably won't keep this response in the podcast, but just so that, you know, if you listen to any of our other episodes and it comes up, I am not pro musical episode. So if you hear me talk shit about it, I don't want you to be like you lied to me in our interview. 

Sarah Catherine: [gasp] No. Oh noooo V. Oh, wow. I'm gonna tell everyone you said that.

V: That's fine. I'll say it.

Sarah Catherine: [laughter] No, I'm kidding. I would never, I would never [01:03:00] throw you under the bus like that. Yeah. 

Kaity: Oh and I'll be the biggest champion in the world so it's 

Sarah Catherine: of the musical episode. Okay. Look, you can have someone who's against it and someone for it. 

V: We're such opposites. 

Sarah Catherine: It's so great. It's good. That's why you make such a good team. Hello? 

Kaity: yeah. We love different things for sure. So like as we're wrapping up, is there anything that you wanna like touch on or that we didn't talk about that you would like to talk about?

Sarah Catherine: I will say I am thankful that like we were released during pride month. Like that is what I wanted. 

Kaity: You know, you could probably have a whole career off going to cons if you had to, to survive now, 

Sarah Catherine: I wanna meet the fans truly. I need to- 

Kaity: yeah, they're ready to meet you and Imani let me tell you. 

Sarah Catherine: Oh, that's so sweet. That's seriously so sweet. 

V: So I wanted to say and I don't, I don't know how intentional this was, but I was talking to Kaity at one point that I feel as if though Imani and Calliope does a lot of [01:04:00] conveying with her eyes. And I think that you convey a lot with your lips

Sarah Catherine: Yeah

V: and there is that scene where you tell, or, you know, Juliette says to Calliope, uh, your heart races when you lie, you do this small thing with your lips, but oh my God, 

Sarah Catherine: [gasps]

V: the impact that it has on a viewer, I was just like dead. 

Sarah Catherine: Wow.

V: Love it. It was amazing. 

Sarah Catherine: That's, so cool. 

V: I think you do a great job, so yeah. 

Sarah Catherine: That's so cool

Kaity: Yeah. 

Sarah Catherine: Thank you. 

Kaity: And that's, that's, what's cool about this show is like, I know you don't get a lot of time when you film like a show to live in stuff, but like when you're the side characters, your relationships, like they don't get beats in a scene. Like you don't get to live in any emotional moment where you get those like nonverbal cues from actors, you know, that make something more special. 

Sarah Catherine: Yeah

Kaity: So when you're the main relationship, like you get to see all of that. 

Sarah Catherine: Yeah

Kaity: And so it's not only like, in terms of like what we get to see, but it's what you get to do, like on screen as well.

Sarah Catherine: Oh, I really love that you guys are [01:05:00] saying that. You know, it's funny with, with the, the comment about like Imani's expression with her eyes. I mean, I'm sure you guys have heard me say this several times in interviews and stuff, but it was like, that's, that's kind of what drew me into her in our audition scene.

Like her eyes are super expressive and, it just like, like they just, every time, like, even in the first day that we filmed, um, the first, the first scene that we did was in the classroom where like, I'm, you know, getting all crazy with my blood lusty. And then she walks in, she walks in and like, I'm so serious.

Like she just looked so gorgeous and had this like curious expression where I couldn't tell like what she was thinking. Like, but it was so genius because it was like, she just looked, looked right at me, like as if she's interested in me. And that like gave me like butterfly. I mean, I'm speaking as Juliette, you know, but, [01:06:00] um, 

Kaity: right.

Sarah Catherine: Like get the butterfly feeling, but then like knowing what is going on with Calliope I just felt like she just did such a, like, yes, I'm so glad you picked up on the eye expression because I think it's so true. And it's a lot of people have commented that. And then it's funny that you say that about my, uh, my mouth, my expressive mouth, because I intentionally wanted Juliette to be insecure about her teeth.

Being like afraid of like her fangs popping out at any moment. So like, I felt like anytime you did see her, like actually smile, like she just like couldn't help it and was usually around Calliope. Um, but like, I, I, I felt like I always wanted to try to keep it like, like contained until I like just couldn't like, it was very intentional in that, in that respect. So, um, that's just really cool to me that you would -

V: It worked really well

Sarah Catherine: well, thank you. 

Kaity: Did you, did you have this still recording V, 

V: oh yeah, I [01:07:00] started once we, once Sarah Catherine got here and I'm gonna end when we're saying goodbye 

Kaity: Because I was like, we gotta use that still. That's really good-

Sarah Catherine: oh, thanks 

Kaity: -actor knowledge. 

Sarah Catherine: Oh, thank you. I tried to have just like, really like little details about Juliette that I wanted. Um, like even if people didn't notice it, it was just like helpful for me to create the character and make it feel real to me because like, there are always gonna be little things that we are insecure about, like of ourselves, like our bodies or like our teeth or whatever.

Um, and that like, for her, as I've said in the past, like is her biggest insecurity. So I wanted the teeth to be like, kind of just, just always like hiding from, uh, so yeah, that's just really cool that you would notice that that makes me feel really happy. 

V: yeah. 

Kaity: Oh yeah. 

V: It's. great

Kaity: Okay. Y'all so V and I are going to have [01:08:00] to work very hard on coming down off of this high right now. I'm high on life. Aren't you high on life? 

V: Yeah, I feel like, but like I'm, but more like I ran a marathon and now I'm like full of like the come down from the adrenaline. Like, I feel like I could fall asleep because that was the best part of probably my entire week. Um, I don't know, month. No, my, my family's visiting it's I can't, I can't give that to you, Sarah Catherine. You're the second best thing to happen to me this week. . 

Kaity: She could be the best thing that happened in my week though. The only thing that could possibly be better is a renewal announcement. So I hope Netflix, like doesn't disappoint me here. Uh, no offense, Sarah, Catherine. I want you to have a job.


V: it's for the both of us. 

Kaity: It's for the both of us. Uh, but yeah, she is special. This conversation was special and I hope you all feel special listening to it. You can keep the conversation with us going [01:09:00] on Twitter at this lesbian shit on Instagram at this lesbian ship, please download our episodes and rate and review us on iTunes and Spotify.

And we'll see you next time. 

V: Thanks guys. Bye 

Kaity: Bye. 

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